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Municipality of Makri Gialos

The municipality of Makry Gialos is one of the best resorts of Eastern Crete. It is located in the south-eastern side of Crete and is one of the busiest tourist destinations of Eastern Europe.

It owes his name to the big and splendid sandy beach, one of the most scenery beaches of Crete.

In crystal clear and spotless waters thousands visitors find dew and relax, and enjoy the magic of sun and sea.

The municipality of Makry Gialos belongs in the Region Crete, in the prefecture of Lasithi and borders from North with the Municipality Sitia, Easternly with the Municipality of Lefki, Southerly on Libikon Sea and Westwards with the Municipality of Ierapetra.

The population of Municipality, according to the catalogues of 1991 was 4009 individuals and with the catalogues of 2001 is 4396. His extent amounts in 39.346 acres.

The seat of Municipality is the settlement of Koutsouras - Municipal Apartment of Stavrochori.

Physical location: Pefki, MakryGialos Sitia, Crete
Postal Address: PO BOX 434 Makrygialos 72055

Email: info@pefkivillage.gr

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