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Lagkada is an old settlement which borders with Lithines. It is built 300 m north of the seacoast and 500 m away of Diaskari. The name Lagkada (valley) comes from the nearby valley (west of the settlement) which is crossed by the river Lagkadiotis.

The settlement is crossed by the road leading to the Monastery of St. Ioannis Kapsas, and Goudouras. The area is good for cultivation of olive trees, vineyards and greenhouse products.

The beach of Lagkada is one of the best in the area with crystal clear waters and fine sand.


«Πεύκοι “Τόπος και Ιστορία”», Γεωργίου Θ. Καναβάκη (Καναβογιώργη), Έκδοση Κοινότητας Πεύκων, Ιούλιος – Αύγουστος 1994

Physical location: Pefki, MakryGialos Sitia, Crete
Postal Address: PO BOX 434 Makrygialos 72055

Email: info@pefkivillage.gr

Copyright © 2010 - 2025 Cultural Association of Pefki village - Makrigialos - Creta