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White River

Aspros Potamos (White River) is referred to be the oldest settlement of the area of Pefkoi. It is located about 1 km north of the beach of Makry Gialos.

Narrations report that the settlement was wealthy in the past, but because of the close distance from the sea, it was subject to incursions and as a result its residents had to abandon the place and move to the northern areas that were safer for them. It is also reported that the first residents of Pefkoi were the residents of Aspros Potamos. The area can be described as spectacular. The mountains from the North and the valley from the South that reaches the settlement of Analypsis, the stream of Aspros Potamos which crosses the settlement, form a unique landscape.

Most of the old houses of the settlement, which were built from stone and soil, have been refurbished and attract many visitors.



«Πεύκοι “Τόπος και Ιστορία”», Γεωργίου Θ. Καναβάκη (Καναβογιώργη), Έκδοση Κοινότητας Πεύκων, Ιούλιος – Αύγουστος 1994

Physical location: Pefki, MakryGialos Sitia, Crete
Postal Address: PO BOX 434 Makrygialos 72055

Email: info@pefkivillage.gr

Copyright © 2010 - 2025 Cultural Association of Pefki village - Makrigialos - Creta