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Diaskari is another settlement of Pefkoi, located on the east side of Analypsis settlement, built next to the homonym seacoast, and is connected with a secondary road from a junction, located on midway of the main road of Analypsis to Pilalimata.

On the hill called Bigla, 300m on the east of Diaskari, there is the remains of an old town which history goes back to the past Minoan era. Tradition wants the residents of that town to be sailors and they believed to be protected by the sons of Zeus, who were called Dioskourioi. It is also said that the residents of that town had built a temple to honor their protectors, and the town was reported as the town of Dioskourioi. By the transformation of the language through the years, the name of the town took its current form, but the real name of that town is not yet confirmed and remains unknown.

Next to the remains of the town there is a cave facing the sea called ‘Karavospilios’ (Ship-cave). It is said that the surrounding area in front of the cave was used as a shipyard, but despite the extensive archaeological research in the area, nothing confirms the life and the history of the town.


«Πεύκοι “Τόπος και Ιστορία”», Γεωργίου Θ. Καναβάκη (Καναβογιώργη), Έκδοση Κοινότητας Πεύκων, Ιούλιος – Αύγουστος 1994

Physical location: Pefki, MakryGialos Sitia, Crete
Postal Address: PO BOX 434 Makrygialos 72055

Email: info@pefkivillage.gr

Copyright © 2010 - 2025 Cultural Association of Pefki village - Makrigialos - Creta